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HTML Password Lock 4.6

Nereden Yazdırıldığı: Bilginin Adresi
Kategori: Bilgisayar
Forum Adı: Programlar
Forum Tanımlaması: Aradýðýnýz Ve Bulamadýðýnýz Bütün Programlar
Tarih: 21-02-2025 Saat 11:51

Konu: HTML Password Lock 4.6
Mesajı Yazan: invertor
Konu: HTML Password Lock 4.6
Mesaj Tarihi: 30-03-2009 Saat 22:41
HTML Password Lock programýnýn en son sürümü. Web sayfalarýnýzý oluþturabileceðiniz bir HTML editörü. Web sayfalarýnýzý oluþturmanýz için kullanabileceðiniz bu programýn bir diðer özelliði web sayfalarýnýzý þifreleme imkaný saðlamasý. Web sayfalarýnýzý 1000'den fazla hazýr þifre ile veya kendi koyacaðýnýz þifre ile kilitleyebilirsiniz. Bu özellik sayesinde baþkalarýnýn web sayfa dosyalarýnýzý açmasýna olanak saðlamamýþ oluyorsunuz. Ayrýca ASP PHP CGI ve web DB kilitleme sistemi de mevcut.
Detaylý Bilgi:
HTML Password Lock 4.6 | 1.13 MB

Password protect web pages and whole web sites with strong encyption algorightm in just a few clicks!

HTML Password Lock is a powerful tool to password protect web pages and whole web site.

Unlike other similar tools which always use very simple algorithm, HTML Password Lock use strong encryption algorithms to provide best security.

HTML Password Lock is a software based on a strong encryption algorithm that password protect web pages.

The HTML Password Lock Wizard will help you encrypt and password protect web pages in just a few clicks!

Key features
· Password protect web pages and whole web site;
· Strong encryption algorithms to provide best security;
· Work with any JavaScript capable browser, no additional software or plugin is required;
· Supports all kinds of hosting servers, no CGI, PHP, ASP or special web server software is required;
· Three types of protection type: Page, Session, Cookie;
· Two kinds of password type: single password, user/password;
· Support redirect to an error page if password is incorrect;
· Support disable right mouse click, and other useful features such as disable text selection, disable page printing etc;
· The protected page can be called from other web page.
· Easy to use wizard style interface;
· Multiple files and directory processing capabilities;
· Maximum source page size is unlimited;
· Encrypted page size grow only 30% + 8K;
· Browser compatible - Internet Explorer 4.x or later, Netscape 4.x or later, Opera 6.x and above, Mozilla Firefox. All newer versions are recommended;
· HTML pages are compatible with HTML4 recommendations;
· Supports Asian and Europe Char Sets - - -

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hash Kontrolü yapma ( MD5, SHA-1, CRC32,... vb)

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