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PicMarkr Pro

Nereden Yazdırıldığı: Bilginin Adresi
Kategori: Bilgisayar
Forum Adı: Programlar
Forum Tanımlaması: Aradýðýnýz Ve Bulamadýðýnýz Bütün Programlar
Tarih: 02-07-2024 Saat 20:45

Konu: PicMarkr Pro
Mesajı Yazan: invertor
Konu: PicMarkr Pro
Mesaj Tarihi: 30-03-2009 Saat 22:08

PicMarkr isimli web aracý ile resimlerinize watermark denilen filigran eklemesi yapabiliyorsiniz. Böylece bir resmin telif hakkýnýn size ait olduðunu gösterebilirsiniz.
Filigran eklemek istediðiniz resimlerini doðrudan bilgisayarýnýzdan yükleyebileceðiniz gibi flickr hesabýnýzdan da yükleyebiliyorsunuz. Bunun yanýnda resimleri yeniden boyutlandýrma seçenekleri de var.
Detaylý Bilgi
PicMarkr Pro | 1.57 MB

PicMarkr Pro is an application for Microsoft Windows that can help you to protect your copyrighted images adding visible watermarks.

Watermark images, protect your pictures copyright, import and backup Flickr images to your computer with PicMarkr Pro.

You can use PicMarkr Pro to:
• Add digital watermark to your images on Flickr to protect your photos
• Replace your Flickr photos with their watermarked copies (for Flickr Pro accounts)
• Change the sizes of a batch of photos at the same time
• Rotate a batch of pictures
• Add text, logo, comments to pictures and Flickr photos
• Rename a large number of pictures with just a few clicks
• Create watermark templates on your own

Key features
· Import pictures and photos from your Flickr account or from your computer
· Add text or image watermark to a batch of pictures
· A set of professional presets for text watermarks
· The opportunity to edit all attributes of watermark (transparency, fonts, backgrounds, etc)
· User-friendly interface
· Add watermark to your pictures and photos on Flickr
· Replace your Flickr photos with their watermarked copies
· (for Flickr Pro accounts)
· Change the sizes of a batch of photos at the same time
· Rotate a batch of pictures
· Add text, logo, comments to pictures and Flickr photos
· Rename a large number of pictures with just a few clicks
· Create your own customized watermark templates - - -

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