Bilgisayarýnýz yavaþ mý çalýþýyor? Sürekli hata mesajlarý mý alýyorsunuz? Sistem performansýnýzý geliþtirmek mi istiyorsunuz? Eðer bu soruya cevabýnýz evet ise, kayýt defterindeki sorun ve hatalarý temizlemeniz gerekmektedir. RegDoctor, kayýt defterinizdeki (registry) sorunlarý bulmak ve temizlemek için geliþtirilmiþ bir programdýr.
Kayýt defteri neden bozulur ? # Bir yazýlýmý kaldýrmadan o yazýlýmla ilgili dosyalarýn kaldýrýlmasý durumunda, # Kayýt Defteri'nden dosya veya klasör giriþi silme durumunda, # Yazýlýmý tam kaldýrmama durumunda, # Yazýlýmý kaldýrýrken hatalarla karþýlaþma durumunda bozulur.
Detaylý Bilgi:
Portable RegDoctor 2.05 | 1.21 MB
Automatically fix Windows registry problems and improve system performance. Stop computer crashes! Registry problems are the common cause of Windows crashes, error messages, and degraded performance! RegDoctor can safely and quickly clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! RegDoctor uses an intelligent, high-performance detection engine to accurately identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. Identified registry problems are listed and rated by risk level using an easy to understand color-coded system for your information.
You can choose to have RegDoctor automatically repair all identified problems, or more selectively choose which problems to repair immediately. RegDoctor also offers a Restore feature to create registry backup files, giving you the capability to safely undo any registry changes. The auto-start feature of RegDoctor helps to support its regular use. By using RegDoctor regularly to clean and repair your registry, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows and your software run faster.
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