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Portable Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Beta

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Forum Tanımlaması: Aradýðýnýz Ve Bulamadýðýnýz Bütün Programlar
Tarih: 17-06-2024 Saat 02:57

Konu: Portable Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Beta
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Konu: Portable Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Beta
Mesaj Tarihi: 07-09-2008 Saat 12:37

Adobe firmasýnýn dünyaca ünlü web tasarým araçlarýnýn bir çoðunu bünyesinde barýndýran javascript:void%280%29 - Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 yazýlýmý.Bir webmasterin kesinlikle arþivinde bulundurmasý gereken bir program. Bunun nedeni tasarým ile ilgili bir çok aracý içerisinde barýndýrýyor olmasý.

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Macromedia’yý satýn aldýktan sonra birçok kullanýcýnýn Adobe’nin kendi GoLive web tasarým programýna göre tercih ettikleri Dreamweaver da Adobe’nin oldu. Dreamweaver CS4 Intel Mac desteði getiriyor, javascript:void%280%29 - Adobe Creative Suite içerisine temel entegrasyon ekliyor, Adobe’nýn Spry Framework’üyle (web sayfalarýna interaktif sayfa bileþenleri ve efektleri eklemenizi saðlayan JavaScript kod ktüphanesi) birleþiyor ve programýn zaten ezici üstünlüðü olan Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) araçlarýný geniþletiyor.

Her ne kadar Dreamweaver diðer programlar kadar Creative Suite’e sýký bir þekilde entegre olmasa da, artýk doðrudan Photoshop içinde kopyalayýp Dreamweaver içine yapýþtýrabiliyorsunuz; bir diyalog kutusu görseli yeniden boyutlandýrabilmenizi, web grafiklerine uygun optimizasyon ayarlarýný uygulamanýza izin veriyor. Yeni Spry Framework, web sayfalarýna bir dizi JavaScript özellikleri ekliyor: Spry efektleri küçültme, büyütme ve yavaþ yavaþ gözden kaybolan sayfa bileþenleri gibi dikkat çekici görsel efektler uygulamanýzý saðlýyor.

Spry widget’leri drop-down menüler, sekmeli sayfa bileþenleri, geliþmiþ web form doðrulama ve interaktif, sýnýflandýrýlabilir HTML tablolarý gibi yeni sayfa planý imkanlarý sunuyor. Dremweaver CS4 ayný zamanda genelde kafa karýþtýran CSS dünyasýna, yönetimlerine yardýmcý olan birçok yeni aracý da getiriyor. Manage CSS özelliði CSS kurallarýný bir style sheet sayfasý içinde taþýmanýza, sheet’ler arasýnda taþýmanýza ve hýzlý bir biçimde harici bir sheet’e aktarmanýza izin veriyor. Browser’lar arasý CSS problemlerini çözmenize yardýmcý olmak için, bir Browser Compatibility Check (browser uyumluluk kontrolü) web sayfanýzý ve CSS’inizi analiz ettikten sonra CSS’le ilgili potansiyel görüntüleme problemlerini bularak bunu rapor halinde siz sunar.
Detaylý Bilgi
Portable Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Beta | 81.51 MB

Adobe® Dreamweaver® software is the ideal tool for web designers, coders, and application developers of all levels. Enhanced coding functions make it a breeze to navigate through complex site pages at design time. Improved layout tools bring expedited workflows, from comp conception to client approval. Innovations throughout the Dreamweaver beta can help teams and individual developers alike reach the next level in performance and functionality.


The top new features of the next version of Dreamweaver include:

Live View

View your web pages under real-world browser conditions with the new Live View in Dreamweaver — while still retaining direct access to the code. The new rendering mode, which uses the open source rendering engine WebKit, displays your designs like a standards-based browser.
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Related Files

Manage the various files that make up the modern web page more efficiently in Dreamweaver. The Related Files feature displays all the documents associated with your current page, whether CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or XML, in a bar along the top of your document.

Code Navigator

The new Code Navigator pop-up window shows you all the code sources that affect your current selection. A click in either Code or Design view brings up the Code Navigator pop-up, which displays CSS rules, server-side includes, external JavaScript functions, Dreamweaver templates, Library files, iframe source files, and more.

CSS best practices

The Property inspector’s new CSS tab shows the styles for the current selection as well as all the applicable CSS rules. Hover over any property to view a tool tip with jargon-free English explanations of CSS principles. New CSS rules can be created and applied in the Property inspector panel and stored in the same document or an external style sheet.

Code hinting for Ajax and JavaScript frameworks

Write JavaScript more quickly and accurately with improved support for JavaScript core objects and primitive data types. Work with popular JavaScript frameworks including jQuery, Prototype, and Spry.

HTML data sets

With HTML data sets functionality, you can create your data in a standard HTML table, a series of div tags, or even an unordered list and then choose Insert > Spry > Spry Data Set to integrate that data into a dynamic table on the page with sortable columns, a master-detail layout, or other sophisticated displays.

Photoshop Smart Objects

Photoshop and Dreamweaver integration has evolved to the next level of compatibility and functionality. Drag and drop an Adobe Photoshop® PSD file into a Dreamweaver page to create an image Smart Object.

Subversion integration

Dreamweaver integrates Subversion software for a more robust check-in/check-out experience with file versioning, rollback, and more. Once you’ve defined Subversion as your version control system, you can update your site to get the latest versions of its pages directly from within Dreamweaver; no third-party utility or command-line interface is required.

Adobe® AIR™ authoring support

Create multiplatform desktop applications from your Dreamweaver HTML and JavaScript sites with new Adobe AIR™ authoring support.

New user interface

Work faster and smarter across Dreamweaver and other components of the next version of Adobe Creative Suite® thanks to a new level of integration and common user interface elements.

Attention: in this pack the help files are not included
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