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Portable DVD2One v2.2.2

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Kategori: Bilgisayar
Forum Adı: Programlar
Forum Tanımlaması: Aradýðýnýz Ve Bulamadýðýnýz Bütün Programlar
Tarih: 29-09-2024 Saat 11:37

Konu: Portable DVD2One v2.2.2
Mesajı Yazan: invertor
Konu: Portable DVD2One v2.2.2
Mesaj Tarihi: 02-09-2008 Saat 20:00


Bu küçük yazýlým ile elinizdeki dvd filmleri harddiskinize kendi belirlediðiniz bir oranda sýkýþtýrarak kaydedebilirsiniz. Ýster tüm diski, isterseniz de sadece filmi kaydedebilirsiniz. Sýkýþtýrýrken altyazý fontunu kendiniz ayarlayabilirsiniz. Dil desteði mevcuttur. Programýn yeni versiyonunda ifo formatýndan kaynaklanan sorunlar giderilmiþ ve hata mekanizmasý geliþtirilmiþ. Ayrýca sýkýþtýrma kapasitesi arttýrýlmýþ. Not: Programýn deneme sürümünde sadece 30 dakikalýk kýsmý harddiskinize kaydedebilirsiniz. Ayrýca 14 günlük bir süre kýsýtlamasý da konmuþ.

Detaylý Bilgi
Portable DVD2One 2.2.2 | 1 MB

With DVD2one
you can make a movie-only or full disk copy of your DVD for personal use on a single DVD-Recordable.

Key features include

# Unique video compression engine: combines blazing speed with the highest quality.
# Multi-processor, multi-core and multi-computer (grid) compatible.
# Process a movie to fit on a single recordable in a matter of 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer).
# Make a movie-only copy of your DVD. Why waste space and image quality on unnecessary intros, menus and language tracks?
# Make a full disk copy of your DVD. For those who want to keep those fancy menus and intros.
# Powerful join mode. Useful for putting multiple episodes of a (tv) series or joining both sides of a flipper on 1 disk.
# Batchprocessing: Program up to 15 disks to be processed one after another without user intervention.
# Remaster your CDs on DVD in Super CD quality.
# Builtin burnengine.
# Written from scratch, not based on any old code, libraries or existing opensource projects.
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