VHDL Simili Professional 3.1.13 |
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Security Professional Ýnventor Kayıt Tarihi: 18-01-2008 Status: Aktif DeÄŸil Points: 3365 |
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Gönderim Zamanı: 14-09-2008 Saat 13:41 |
VHDL Simili Professional 3.1.13 | 11,4 MB VHDL Simili includes a comprehensive graphical user interface (SonataTM), language-sensitive text editor, smart compilation and project management, code coverage in both statistical and visual form, and support for all commercial FPGA vendors. VHDL Simili is offered in Standard and Professional Editions (see "feature comparison page" for differences). * IEEE 1076-93 VHDL language compliant compiler/simulator (includes built-in standard libaries). -- also allows VHDL'87 style FILE declarations. * Incorporates ZEOS� technology for very fast and flexible compilations and simulations. * Support for IEEE packages (std_logic, numeric_std, numeric_bit, etc.). * Support for Vital 95/2000 (IEEE 1076.4) and SDF 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0 for back-annotation. of timing data. * Support for Synopsys libraries (std_logic_arith, std_logic_signed, std_logic_unsigned, etc.) * Accelerated versions of packages mentioned above. * TEXTIO redirection mechanism. * Support for 64-bit time, 64-bit user defined physical types and 64-bit floating point (real) numbers. * Choice of disabling acceleration of specific packages at runtime. * Platform support: Windows 2000/XP, Linux Redhat 7.1 or newer. * Compiler/Simulator designed so they can run in batch mode (perfect for running regressions). * Extremely fast compilation speeds (several thousands of lines per second). * Co-exists with other synthesis/verification products * Ships with pre-compiled or ready-to-be-compiled libraries for Download Mirror
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 05-08-2009 Status: Aktif DeÄŸil Points: 0 |
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ya hocam ben bu programýn crack'ini yapamadým bi yardým edebilir misin?
Security Professional Ýnventor Kayıt Tarihi: 18-01-2008 Status: Aktif DeÄŸil Points: 3365 |
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C:\Program Files\Symphony EDA\VHDL Simili 3.1
Test edilmiþtir . Düzenleyen invertor - 05-08-2009 Saat 23:29 |
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 05-08-2009 Status: Aktif DeÄŸil Points: 0 |
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