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FTP Voyager v15.1.0.0

Nereden Yazdırıldığı: Bilginin Adresi
Kategori: Bilgisayar
Forum Adı: Programlar
Forum Tanımlaması: Aradýðýnýz Ve Bulamadýðýnýz Bütün Programlar
Tarih: 04-05-2024 Saat 09:29

Konu: FTP Voyager v15.1.0.0
Mesajı Yazan: invertor
Konu: FTP Voyager v15.1.0.0
Mesaj Tarihi: 09-09-2008 Saat 21:43
FTP Voyager is the most powerful FTP client program for Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP on the market. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, FTP Voyager lets you update a Web site with a single click, transfer files directly between FTP servers, resume interrupted downloads, and perform advanced file searches while doing other FTP tasks. The FTP Site Profile Manager makes it easy for you to add your own FTP sitest. You can also import your FTP sites from many other FTP applications for use in FTP Voyager. FTP Voyager supports secure connections using SSL and SSH. Additional features include auto ASCII/Binary transfer selection, advanced file filtering, folder shortcuts, clipboard URL monitoring, and dial on demand. You can also queue your downloads for later.

Geliþmiþ bir dosya transfer (ftp) yazýlýmý olan FTP Voyager ile sunucunuza veya hesabýnýz olan herhangi bir ftp adresine rahatlýkla dosya transferi yapabilirsiniz. Gönderme ve indirme iþlemlerinizi en hýzlý ve güvenli bir þekilde Voyager kullanarak yapabilirsiniz. Yarým kalan indirme iþlemlerine daha sonra kaldýðýnýz yerden devam edebilme seçeneðinizde FTP Voyager ile mevcut. Programýn virüslere ve diðer kötü içerikli yazýlýmlara karþý alýnan önlemleri gerçekten yeteri kadar mevcut ve programda MLST/MLSD desteðide bulunmakta.
Detaylý Bilgi
By adding files to download to a queue, you can continue on with your FTP tasks and start the download queue when you're finished. This saves you time and saves on your connection's bandwidth while you have other FTP tasks to complete. Using the built-in FTP Scheduler, you can schedule all of your routine tasks, such as backing up and updating web sites, to take place at the time that is most convenient for you. FTP Scheduler is capable of uploading, downloading, synchronizing folders, and deleting files/folders. FTP Scheduler will even dial your Internet connection for you! Using a familiar Windows interface, people who have never used FTP before will feel at ease with FTP Voyager.

Changes in FTP Voyager, February 1, 2007:
- Corrected a bug where dragging and dropping from FTP Voyager (download using drag and drop) to Windows would not work, instead a directory would be created called "DragDrop".
Download -
Mirror -
Mirror -
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